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Hello Beautiful.  I am so glad you are here.  I would love to share my story on how I got here too.   I find that life experiences are so fascinating and hold great value of leaning and expanding.  From a small girl, I remember wanting to know so much information about the world that we were living in.  I was always very observant and had lots of questions.   I still do, and I continue to learn about who I am and what I am here to do in this lifetime.  I have many unique attributes and gifts.  I am an old soul, teacher, leader, healer, highly sensitive empath, intuitive, a "boy" mom, wife, soul empowered coach,  lightworker, a loyal friend and deeply compassionate just to name a few. 


My journey has not been an easy one.  But if I look back at it, I am feel like the luckiest person I know.  With abundance and appreciation for life experiences, I am grateful for the many wonderful chapters and opportunities that have been placed on the path and journey in this lifetime.  I believe that we can create abundance and manifest anything our heart's desire.  It begins with nurturing 'you' first, and going within.  We Life as you know has its ebbs and flows, ups and downs.  


I am so grateful for all of the lessons that I have

learned through the experiences, places, the people

who have been put in my path.  It has all been

instrumental to who I am today.  I practice

staying present and being the buoy in the ocean,

ready to ride the wave.​


This healing work and teaching others how to unpack limiting beliefs and outdated mindsets to live life authentically!  Everything is connected. Everything is energy and has a vibration.  My soul purpose or mission is to raise the vibration of the planet and to teach others to do the same.  I had a mentor call it a ripple effect.  This is such a wonderful time to be alive, we chose this time to be here on this planet to help humanity. 


Are  you ready to transform and embrace all of the wonderful juicy magic that is already within them?   With your own intuition, unique gifts and spiritual guidance, you can SHINE your LIGHT into the world.  It is time to  step back into your own power!  I love witnessing others step into their own authentic truth and power.  If you have been looking for a sign.  Here it is! 


Using my gifts and experiences teaching middle schoolers for over two decades as well as my intuitive abilities, it allows me to empower, teach and offer solutions and resources to others. It allows them to expand and step back into their power.  You are born worthy. With life experiences and society norms, it is so easy to "disconnect" from who you are and why you are here. You don't have to be caught up in the busyness of life. It can throw off your game. Trust me, I lived that life.  You are LIGHT!  You need you.  We must be ready to sit with the inner world of our lives to see the changes shift on the outside. We have all the answers. 

Sending you lots of Love! 

xoxo- Kristie 


Why I LOVE teaching Reiki I and Reiki II classes: 

It is so Transformative!
 Reiki is a powerful and transformative healing practice. Teaching Reiki 1 classes allows you to share this practice with others, offering them a tool for self-healing and personal growth.

It's Empowering!
Reiki empowers your students to take control of their well-being. It equips them with a valuable skill that can improve their physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

Spreading Light and Healing
Reiki is often described as "spiritually guided life force energy." By teaching Reiki, you're spreading this light and healing energy to others.

I am a teacher.
I am a leader.
I am a healer.

I am here to raise the vibrations of planet with loving energy!

What is Reiki?

 Reiki (ray-kee) is a gentle, holistic technique used to promote stress reduction and relaxation. It is helpful in restoring mind-body-spirit balance and harmony. Reiki is a type of energy. In fact, Reiki is spiritually guided "life force" energy. Everything is made of energy, including our body. Our body is desgined to function at it's best when our energy is centered and balanced. In times of stress, you may feel any imbalance in the form of irritability, anxiety, exhaustion, or simply feeling  "out of sorts." Over time, trauma, feelings of stress, fear, and anxiety could lead to energetic blockages in your body. Receiving Reiki assists in removing these blockages, so that your body can be in a natural state of balance.

What Makes Reiki Unique?
  • Reiki is a complete system of self-healing.

  • Reiki blends easily with and enhances all healing methods.

  • Reiki is very simple and can be immediately implemented on yourself and others.

  • Reiki gently releases old emotional patterns.

  • Reiki is an effective tool to overcome the pressures of career, relationships, parenting, and finances.

  • Reiki enables you to access your own inner wisdom and creativity, as well as expand your consciousness and spiritual awareness.


"I asked for clarity around my business and possibly family. The messages Kristie gave seemed spot on and affirmed some messages I had perceived." - Client Testimonial

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I have always been a deeply connected soul who has strived to know my soul's purpose. 
I can help you find your own self discovery & awareness to help you lead a more full fulling, purpose- driven life. 

You don't have to do this journey alone! 

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